Forum Mulher
Pays: Mozambique
Mision: Fight for a more just society and with gender equality in the defense of women rights
Lignes de travail: Gender Based Violence Gender Economy Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Non Sexist Education Political Partiicpation
Nº personnes qui travaillent dans l’organisation: 17
Nº de volontaires dans l’organisation: 30
Partenners: FNUAP, UNIFEM, UNDP, UNDEF, UNAIDS, Spanish Agency for International Cooperation to Development (AECID), Norvegian embassy, OXFAM ( Novib,GB, Canada and Belgium), GTZ, OSISA, KEPA, PLAAS, ILC, IBIS, AMANITARE, IPAS, GAS
Site web:
Plateformes ou réseaux auxquelles elle appartient: SOAWAR, Women, World March, FEMNET (The African Women Development and Communication N