The Coalition on Violence Against Women-Kenya. COVAW-K
Pays: Kenya
Mision: To contribute towards ending violence against women through advocacy,knowledge and dissemination,while enhancing COVAWs organizational sustainability
Lignes de travail: Violence Against Women issues divided into the 4 programmes 1. National Advocacy 2. Community Advocay 3. Regional Advocacy 4. Research Information and dissemination
Nº personnes qui travaillent dans l’organisation: 10
Nº de volontaires dans l’organisation: 3
Partenners: German International Cooperation (GIZ) Trocaire Raising Voices UN Women Open Society Institute of Eastern Africa (OSIEA) Ford Foundation
Site web:
Plateformes ou réseaux auxquelles elle appartient: SOAWR-Solidarity for African Women’s Rights SANA-Safer Nairobi Coalition KPfPs-Kenya Partnership for Peace and Security GBV Sub-cluster